Another friend, Elijah, came to visit a couple of weeks ago. Elijah is the type of human who you find standing in the middle of Union Station sketching the ceiling. He is the best expresser of the awe that I feel at things most people find mundane. A beautiful ceiling. The Metro. Street performers. Carrot cake. The right phrase. When someone expresses your feelings for you better than you do, it’s how you know you’ve found a friend. We browsed bookstores at midnight, got way too excited about the Library of Congress, biked around, and took a ghost tour.
I opened my mailbox the other day to find one of the best surprised I’ve ever received—a Webb yearbook that my students from last year signed for me. The notes they wrote were some of the nicest things anyone’s ever said to me. I thought of emailing them or sending a letter to tell them how much their words meant to me, but I came to the conclusion that the words do not exist in the English language for me to fully express my gratitude and how I miss them, so I baked 100 brownies and mailed those instead.