For weeks, all I smelled was jasmine. It was everywhere—lining every sidewalk and drifting to my windshield where I’d find it stuck after the rain. It feels distant now, even though it was just a couple of months ago. But…
Another New Year Post
It’s time again for the annual New Year Blog Post—the sixth one I’ve written so that the four of you who read this can be assured of the creepy degree to which I document and hoard memories (as if you…
An Ode to Letter Writing
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here, but the good news is, I HAVE been writing. There was a two and a half year period after graduate school during which I hardly wrote a word. In part this…
The Best Coach I Ever Knew
I found out on Saturday morning that my old gymnastics coach died late on Friday. I was devastated. I hadn’t seen him in probably 8 years, and he hasn’t been my coach in a decade and a half. But my…
The High School Reunion Blog You All Knew Was Coming
Because I certainly can’t go to my high school reunion and not write about it. A few years ago, my high school classmates started mentioning our ten year reunion in our class Facebook group. There was talk of dates and locations…
2017 Recap
I haven’t posted much here in 2017, not because I wasn’t writing, but because for the first time since grad school, I was writing for more than the three of you who read this, and most magazines and literary journals…