I was supposed to be a Republican. It was an unspoken fact (though still a fact) in my hometown. Republicans were the moral ones who upheld our Southern Baptist values. They were kind and grandfatherly, familiar with their slight southern…
Obligatory New Year’s Post
I started this blog three years ago with an obligatory “New Year Post”, and I could not have imagined then that I would find myself here three years later. Since then I’ve finished grad school, moved four times, lived in…
Somehow it became Christmas time overnight. I was walking to the Metro station last week to find that three giant, fully decorated Christmas trees have appeared in my neighborhood. I went to school on Tuesday (our first day back after…
The first quarter of school has ended and autumn is here and I’m almost 27 years old. I keep accidentally lying when I tell people that I “just moved here” because it’s been two and a half months already. Even…
Blogs I Started and Never Finished
1. The one where I hiked to this waterfall. 2. The one where I rode a bus from New Orleans to Atlanta to see one of my college roommates/favorite humans get married. The one where I reminisce about reunions and…
I’m in a different state and town than I’ve ever lived in. The mountains outside the window of my classroom belong to the same range as the ones I used to live near. Nine hours apart and from opposite sides,…